Shaggy as She Wants to Be
Nora gets her hair blow dried every night after her bath. So with the blow dry and just longer hair in general, control is winning over chaos. But even within the boundaries of control, she can look a mite shaggy; and we kinda like it.
Still no perceived inclination toward locomotion. She is content to believe that she is stationary and the world moves around her. (I hear they cling on to that philosophy in some form or another through their teen years.)
She's still not even comfortable with lying on her stomach. The only time she turns herself over is when she is sleeping. She goes from her back to her front and if she's not too tired to realize her undesired body position, she'll get to wailing. Then mommy or daddy has to come to the rescue and flip her over like a flapjack. Daddy especially is a softy.
It is amazing to see her progress and grow before our eyes. It wasn't too long ago that having Nora feed herself Cheerios was more like, let's see how fast Nora can push the Cheerios off the table and onto the floor. Now, only a few days later, she's fairly adept at picking them up and shoveling them in.

Nora in her riding tights.


I think she wasn't feeling well, so she sat uncharacteristically resigned to her carseat inside the apartment staring off into the distance just like this.

She likes to lift her arms up and out.
There is no explanation.
We pin the arms down, and back they rebound.
Think Randy in the movie a Christmas Story, except Nora doesn't need 10 layers of clothing.

Cheerios time is a win-win situation. Nora has 15 minutes of eating, entertainment, and manual dexterity exercises.
Parents get to do something else.
Still no perceived inclination toward locomotion. She is content to believe that she is stationary and the world moves around her. (I hear they cling on to that philosophy in some form or another through their teen years.)
She's still not even comfortable with lying on her stomach. The only time she turns herself over is when she is sleeping. She goes from her back to her front and if she's not too tired to realize her undesired body position, she'll get to wailing. Then mommy or daddy has to come to the rescue and flip her over like a flapjack. Daddy especially is a softy.
It is amazing to see her progress and grow before our eyes. It wasn't too long ago that having Nora feed herself Cheerios was more like, let's see how fast Nora can push the Cheerios off the table and onto the floor. Now, only a few days later, she's fairly adept at picking them up and shoveling them in.

Nora in her riding tights.


I think she wasn't feeling well, so she sat uncharacteristically resigned to her carseat inside the apartment staring off into the distance just like this.

She likes to lift her arms up and out.
There is no explanation.
We pin the arms down, and back they rebound.
Think Randy in the movie a Christmas Story, except Nora doesn't need 10 layers of clothing.

Cheerios time is a win-win situation. Nora has 15 minutes of eating, entertainment, and manual dexterity exercises.
Parents get to do something else.

So many comments to make...
First off, she's just so kissable! That second picture especially.
Secondly, I think it's so cool you use a hair dryer on her! I've never brought one near Johnny, and can only imagine his horror if I did.
Thirdly, I have told Jeff that we are having a girl some day, b/c I have an overwhleming urge to buy striped stockings for a little girl that goes beyond words. I think that might be my favorite thing I see on little girls.
Fourthly, the expression on her face next to the comments on her raising her arms is to die for. You can sense how badly she wants to roll her eyes.
Finally, I wish we lived closer.
"I put my arms out like 'dis. Dat's just how I roll."
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