6 Months - Hawking, Sitting Up, and Butter Nut Squash
Hawking: When I carry Nora around she tends to list forward wanting to look at the ground. This often turns into me playing Superman with her. The interesting part is she very alertly scans the floor like a hawk searching for food. But instead of food, Nora's is looking for objects to gum and drool on. I'm fairly certain she's thinking, "I'd like to get my mouth on that, and oh, that would be nice to chew on. And that too..."
Sitting Up: Not much before 6 months we wondered if Nora should be sitting up on her own. She hadn't done much of it; we hadn't actually tried much. So we sat her up and placed some pillows around her to ease her nose dives and the more frequent backward lunges. But she took to it like a champ, and really since, it's her preferred mode of being on the floor. We think she likes the better view and easier access to more toys.
Butter Nut Squash: Nora loves butter nut squash. Hates peas, and tolerates avocado and bananas. And when she's hungry we have to be careful about not having any sort of spoon out and visible, because any spoon to her means butter nut squash. And she is already fairly adept at letting us know when she is not getting something that she wants.

I liked her feet here.

Classic Nora.

A little magazine reading time for the girls.

Uh Nora, it's READING time.

The day we found out Nora was ticklish.
LDS Church History Museum.

Mommy's portion of pic wasn't too flattering so we cropped her out per her instructions.

Coming home from full day in SLC.

Old Spaghetti Factory in Provo.

Chillin' with Mel.

At BYU volleyball game with our lil trooper.
It was way past her bed time.

parents on baby sitting duty.

With Aunt Little Noodle
Sitting Up: Not much before 6 months we wondered if Nora should be sitting up on her own. She hadn't done much of it; we hadn't actually tried much. So we sat her up and placed some pillows around her to ease her nose dives and the more frequent backward lunges. But she took to it like a champ, and really since, it's her preferred mode of being on the floor. We think she likes the better view and easier access to more toys.
Butter Nut Squash: Nora loves butter nut squash. Hates peas, and tolerates avocado and bananas. And when she's hungry we have to be careful about not having any sort of spoon out and visible, because any spoon to her means butter nut squash. And she is already fairly adept at letting us know when she is not getting something that she wants.

I liked her feet here.

Classic Nora.

A little magazine reading time for the girls.

Uh Nora, it's READING time.

The day we found out Nora was ticklish.
LDS Church History Museum.

Mommy's portion of pic wasn't too flattering so we cropped her out per her instructions.

Coming home from full day in SLC.

Old Spaghetti Factory in Provo.

Chillin' with Mel.

At BYU volleyball game with our lil trooper.
It was way past her bed time.

parents on baby sitting duty.

With Aunt Little Noodle

It looks like you had a nice trip! And it also looks like Nora's hair is finally understanding gravity, huh?
Kara, you are just so gorgeous - motherhood suits you so well!
I love seeing the three of you together! How I miss being there! Auf Wiedersehen!
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