Week 8 - Smile on Demand
Nora, what's the secret to life?

One thing... you just have to find that one thing for you.
Deep Thoughts by Nora Blair.
I guess she's been watching City Slickers again.
Signs of life inside that baby's body are beginning to manifest themselves. She continues to giggle on occasion and we were even able to elicit a few smiles after giving her Eskimo kisses.
Kara's parents stayed the weekend and completely spoiled Nora. Okay we were spoiled too... Nora's first babysitters. Mommy and Daddy were fine in the morning when we were running errands, but it wasn't long before our thought turned to the little one. We convinced ourselves that our baby needed us and only us, but each time we came back all was well with Grandma and Grandpa.

Nora's new front carrying position.
She seems to enjoy being in a position to see more of what's going on, except I guess when she's passed out as seen here.

It's all about the hair.
Nora has really improved her gripping capabilities as witness by the death grip on Val's hair (Kara's former coworker). Val's fiancee James looks on from a safe distance.
We and the Miller family had a dinner with the soon-to-be-departing-to-Germany-Hammons. So long, farewell...

Here's a pic of Nora and Omi (Grandma).
We were so busy letting the grandparents babysit Nora I didn't really get any good pics of them.

Nora was blessed on Sunday. Though she was calm during the blessing, she cried before and after.
Ben and Larry Wilson, Laura and Carl Johnton, Nora, Eric and Kara, Dennis and Judy Gustafson.
After her blesssing.

One thing... you just have to find that one thing for you.
Deep Thoughts by Nora Blair.
I guess she's been watching City Slickers again.
Signs of life inside that baby's body are beginning to manifest themselves. She continues to giggle on occasion and we were even able to elicit a few smiles after giving her Eskimo kisses.
Kara's parents stayed the weekend and completely spoiled Nora. Okay we were spoiled too... Nora's first babysitters. Mommy and Daddy were fine in the morning when we were running errands, but it wasn't long before our thought turned to the little one. We convinced ourselves that our baby needed us and only us, but each time we came back all was well with Grandma and Grandpa.

Nora's new front carrying position.
She seems to enjoy being in a position to see more of what's going on, except I guess when she's passed out as seen here.

It's all about the hair.

Here's a pic of Nora and Omi (Grandma).
We were so busy letting the grandparents babysit Nora I didn't really get any good pics of them.

Nora was blessed on Sunday. Though she was calm during the blessing, she cried before and after.

After her blesssing.
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
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