Week 7 - Getting Out n' About -
Kara was changing Nora yesterday and said, "well it looks like she's getting enough to eat." I retorted, "was there ever a question? Look at those ham hocks she calls legs."
Nora is definitely a-growing. We measured her height at 22 inches yesterday and we both feel like she's at least 20 lbs. Alright, she's at least 10lbs.
Nora likes to be on the move, whether it's a morning walk with Daddy or hunting buffalo in Golden Gate Park, she starts to stir the moment we stop walking or driving or just moving.

Our lil elf child.

Mommy, my tummy doesn't feel so good...
The calm before the spit-up.

Mutual respect.
Mutual dependence.
Mutual love.


In search of the elusive Golden Gate Buffalo.

What's that Kara???

Really. In Golden Gate Park.
Hippies can do good things too.

Nora's first beach outing.
This is as close as she got.

Nora's first visit to
Haight Ashbury.
You can tell from the hair profile alone, that she's mine.

Daddy cutting in on tummy time.

Extreme baby close-up.
Nora is definitely a-growing. We measured her height at 22 inches yesterday and we both feel like she's at least 20 lbs. Alright, she's at least 10lbs.
Nora likes to be on the move, whether it's a morning walk with Daddy or hunting buffalo in Golden Gate Park, she starts to stir the moment we stop walking or driving or just moving.

Our lil elf child.

Mommy, my tummy doesn't feel so good...
The calm before the spit-up.

Mutual respect.
Mutual dependence.
Mutual love.


In search of the elusive Golden Gate Buffalo.

What's that Kara???

Really. In Golden Gate Park.
Hippies can do good things too.

Nora's first beach outing.
This is as close as she got.

Nora's first visit to
Haight Ashbury.
You can tell from the hair profile alone, that she's mine.

Daddy cutting in on tummy time.

Extreme baby close-up.

That is great! I didn't know there were buffalo in GG Park? One of the first outings with Leah was on Haight St. Good exposure to a bit of diversity. The hair is definitely Blair Hair.
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
I find some information here.
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