Week 5 - Mother's Day Edition
This week's edition is dedicated to all the mothers in our lives. Without you... we wouldn't be here.
Kara and I used to joke about how all the parents we knew would always say that their kids were in the 90th percentile of this and 90% of that. Little did I know that just because several women in our ward have had 10 lb babies, it doesn't mean that it's common. Anyway, as far as Nora goes, she's been average as average can be. She's been 50% and 60% in height and weight, but recently we found her strength. She's in the 90th percentile of head size. That's something to be proud of; and we are. 'Ead! Move!
In the words of my mom, Nora's been a bit of a stinker this week. She sleeps well during the night, but isn't playing mommy's little daytime nap game. So she's been getting a good lung and vocal workout which has pushed Kara to try implementing Baby Whisperer techniques with a modicum of success.
So though this was supposed to me my first full week back at work, I took my last paternity day off on Thursday to help lighten the load for Kara.
As many of you know we live in Marin County. But what you may not know is that we live about a mile from the Marin Civic Center which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright (also featured in Gattaca). So we decided to take a trip to the Civic Center park.

Ready to hit the park sleeping. That's a good girl.

Here's Kara and our nifty stroller.
You may not notice, but Kara is fully utilizing all of the modeling skills she's been picking up watching America's Next Top Model. And I thought that show was just a waste of time.

Kara and Nora with the Civic Center in the back-ground.
I travel to the Orient fairly often for my job. There is a running joke at work that there is an oriental look-a-like for every American person. Little did I know that this also holds for the animal kingdom, as witnessed by our 'Don King' Duck that we frequently see at the Civic Center pond.

Okay back to Nora.

Nora did her first "trick" as we refer to it. During her awake time this week daddy was doting over her and noticed that she was following him with her eyes fairly well. So daddy then began to test her limits, by moving back his head back and forth to the extreme sides of Nora's view for a few minutes. Very exciting parental stuff.
Saturday morning we spent a little time in San Francisco at Crissy Fields. I don't recall me making any snide remarks to merit this reaction

I'm not sure why some of the close ups come out fuzzy, but they are some of the best shots of the many Nora expressions.

Kara and I used to joke about how all the parents we knew would always say that their kids were in the 90th percentile of this and 90% of that. Little did I know that just because several women in our ward have had 10 lb babies, it doesn't mean that it's common. Anyway, as far as Nora goes, she's been average as average can be. She's been 50% and 60% in height and weight, but recently we found her strength. She's in the 90th percentile of head size. That's something to be proud of; and we are. 'Ead! Move!
In the words of my mom, Nora's been a bit of a stinker this week. She sleeps well during the night, but isn't playing mommy's little daytime nap game. So she's been getting a good lung and vocal workout which has pushed Kara to try implementing Baby Whisperer techniques with a modicum of success.
So though this was supposed to me my first full week back at work, I took my last paternity day off on Thursday to help lighten the load for Kara.
As many of you know we live in Marin County. But what you may not know is that we live about a mile from the Marin Civic Center which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright (also featured in Gattaca). So we decided to take a trip to the Civic Center park.

Ready to hit the park sleeping. That's a good girl.

Here's Kara and our nifty stroller.
You may not notice, but Kara is fully utilizing all of the modeling skills she's been picking up watching America's Next Top Model. And I thought that show was just a waste of time.

Kara and Nora with the Civic Center in the back-ground.
I travel to the Orient fairly often for my job. There is a running joke at work that there is an oriental look-a-like for every American person. Little did I know that this also holds for the animal kingdom, as witnessed by our 'Don King' Duck that we frequently see at the Civic Center pond.

Okay back to Nora.

Nora did her first "trick" as we refer to it. During her awake time this week daddy was doting over her and noticed that she was following him with her eyes fairly well. So daddy then began to test her limits, by moving back his head back and forth to the extreme sides of Nora's view for a few minutes. Very exciting parental stuff.
Saturday morning we spent a little time in San Francisco at Crissy Fields. I don't recall me making any snide remarks to merit this reaction

I'm not sure why some of the close ups come out fuzzy, but they are some of the best shots of the many Nora expressions.

'Ead! Move!
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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