Don't blame me...
It's not my fault... really. I was just waiting until we took some cute pictures of Nora. Okay, maybe that isn't true. We've been a little busy. Okay, okay, I'VE been a little preoccupied, so here we go.
We sponsored a hike down Tennessee Valley to the beach and had a good time.

Can I eat the sand now?


I love how she really threw herself into the sand.
At one point she just leaned and fell forward with mouth wide and happily filled her mouth with sand much to Mommy's chagrin.

Where the wild things are?

The gang.
We sponsored a hike down Tennessee Valley to the beach and had a good time.
Can I eat the sand now?
I love how she really threw herself into the sand.
At one point she just leaned and fell forward with mouth wide and happily filled her mouth with sand much to Mommy's chagrin.
Where the wild things are?

The gang.
Will wonders ever cease? Eric is back in the blogging game...and our little tug-o-war continues. Note, these pics are 2 months old. So, yes...I do blame him. With love.
Yeah, I was gonna say, "wasn't that a while ago?" I got confused for a moment and thought you did another Tennessee Valley Cove hike recently.
Kara, don't you have the login and password? :)
F-I-N-A-L-L-Y!!! Alyse did the same exact thing after her first beach experience. She dove right into the sand and took a big 'ol bite!! Are we surprised!?? NOPE! This is ALYSE we're talking about!!! We've definitely missed your voice in the blogging world! Thanks for coming back.
Welcome back! Johnny did his best to eat sand the first time I took him to the Jersey shore. Blech!
And now...where are the birthday pictures?
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