Friday, December 29, 2006

She's Back - Part I

To any and all that may have noticed the hiatus, our apologies.

But like a prize fighter, Nora comes back with a vengence. Feel her wrath in this two part catch up series.

Nora upon waking.

Her hair is usually awesome in the morning. Though short lived, it sticks straight up and out having lied horizontal all night. It's like she had curlers in.


Yo Rock!
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Poor Santa's nose is like a red bull's-eye to Nora's targeting system.

First she slings him on the ground and then goes straight to the nose.

No mercy in this dojo.

Wrestlin' with Daddy.

Nora obviously hates it.

Only one thing could tear Nora away from playtime with Daddy.

Hey, is that food over there?

Multifaceted as she is, this pic seems to capture her sweet demeanor.
With Mommy and Grandma G.

Nora's sporting the very cute outfit Grandma G gifted her.
Oops! How did this get in here?

Yes they do have a back door with buttons, just like I've always wanted.

Chillin' with Oo.
(Pronounced double oh)

Sometimes she looks like she is 2 or 3 years old.

Maybe it's just the neck extension.

A rockstar is born.

Uh, do you mind?

You're throwing off my groove.


One of our Christmas card pics that didn't make the cut.

So happy together...

And so it began: her feeding frenzy. She's either saving up for winter hibernation or a serious growth spurt is upon us.

New nickname - Chubs.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


We have been noticing more of what we are calling awakenings with Nora. Awakenings are quantum leaps in Nora's development that seem to happen instantaneously. For instance, she goes to bed not knowing how to do something, then when she wakes up, she just does it. It's like the neurons were connected during her sleep. Other times, the awakening is simply a higher level of awareness and interaction. Eitherway, it's amazing to witness.

Oh how she's growing, and not just in girth.

She's rolling around now. Sometimes she'll roll across the entire room. Though still not the biggest fan of being on her tummy, sleeping that way has made her more tolerant. I find it amusing that when an object beside her prevents her from rolling to one side, she doesn't understand why she can't roll. "Hmmh? it worked last time."

She even gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth briefly. I do see that the end of immobility is nigh at hand. Of course we yearn for her development, but loathe the idea of chasing her around. Oh well, bring it.

Talking. She's always been a talker (uh fan of hearing herself make sounds). Though her grammer is not stellar, we have noticed on several occasions that she has said, "ma-ma, ma-ma-ma..." as a call for attention to change her situation or just be held.

Lil Judy time.

Before we went out to toss the disc, Nora had to make sure it was 100% real frisbee.

I still love these chew shots.

Thanksgiving at the bowling alley. It's a G-fam tradition.

Mommy going to town.

Ellie with Nora.

I'm sorry I can't say which twin this is, but too cute.

This shot was meant to show the carnage on the floor after a Nora self-feeding. The pic does not do it justice, but I'm sure those that have been there, can fill in the gaps.


We found out she likes oranges.

It was entertaining for us too.