Sunday, September 24, 2006

Out of Control Hair

Nora's signature feature is most definitely The Hair, and it's been very entertaining from the beginning. Yet now I'm afraid it's getting way out of control. I mean really, when is the madness going to end. I thought it would be lying flat by now or at least bear some semblance of control.

But, as The Hair continues to escalate to new heights of chaos, the entertainment level spirals upward along with it.

More times than not, Nora is so happy to see us in the morning. She loves to play with her feet on and through the rails of the crib.

Binky row.

We've been working on Nora's assisted sitting.

When she has something to play with or gum, she's good for a little while.

Playing after waking up.

Uh... still in the process of waking up.

The money shot.

Nice tights.

Baby's first "solid" food.

When I'm lying on my back and hold her up like superman, this is what she looks like.

I guess she can't fully control her appendages, so she can only defend herself with her gums.

So I guess you could call this her attack position. Any enemy will double over from cuteness.

Notice her sherpa boots, a purchase of which mommy is really proud.

Uncle Brian meets Nora.

Any resem- blance?

Look at above pic.

I'm fairly certain this pic was a few seconds pre-face plant.

Still working on the whole sitting thing.

Campfire at Marin Headlands

Daddy duty.

I love the Pooh hat.

We had her dressed for arctic weather.

She's a happy baby,

And that makes us happy.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Fare Thee Well Sweet Sleep

The charmed life we led for almost 4 months of Nora sleeping through the nights is now gone. Gone are the nights where she sleeps for 8 or 9 hours, maybe waking once to be fed. Our gratitude for that time has increased recently for some reason and we hope for a speedy return to those nights.

Yes, it was alarming the first time to go check on your daughter and see her like this.

But she likes it.


If you guys are eating, I get to eat too.

Her fairly new bouncer.

She likes it and we hope she'll continue to be entertained in it.

Her first hairstyling.

Mommy just gave her the bottle to see if she could put it in her mouth.

She missed a few times before she hit the mark.

This is the first known photo of the elusive downturned mouth cry that makes daddy laugh every time she does it.

So quickly they make 180s.


So this is what she looks like with her hair down.

We went camping at Clear Lake and Nora had two fellas to chill with.

At the lake.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Week 18 and 19 - Just the Goods Please

Nora is growing and developing by leaps and bounds, but I'll skip the pre-photos commentary (save, uh, these quick comments) and just get to the goods. Yeah, I know what you come to the blog for.

Most of the pics are from a recent visit to her Sister in North Carolina.

Nora has never liked facing people.

She likes to see what's going on.

But every now and then she allows a much-appreciated snuggle with Momma.

Kara's already starting to live out her cheerleading dreams through Nora.

Poor child.

Chillin' in San Fran with Will and Brenda.
In N.C. with her Cousins.

She's got that muppet look again.

We figure that about half Nora's calories go to producing drool.

Two of these things are not like the others.

As true gentlemen, her cousins were obligated to fight for her honor.

I keep on telling her not to flex for the camera.

She's even worse in front of mirrors.

Not that it's not interesting to see Nora's fountain. But I confess. I just really like the pic of my beautiful wife.


Another Cuz of Nora's.

Kara says she looks like Red from Fraggle Rock. At least she doesn't look like a Doozer.

That's a decent size melon.

Down at Fraggle rock!

Red with Ma.

I guess Nora wanted to be with her Uncle during the ghost walk.


Must fight humidity.

I apologize... but this is really THE cutest pic.

Cousins couldn't keep their hands off Nora, literally.

The whole gang.

Red chews on a brush and Nora chews on Red.

NC - 1
Nora's Hair-Zero.

The humidity may have won the battle... but not the war.